You can back up your library for sharing or moving to another computer using the File > Compressed Library command. Share complete EndNote libraries with other EndNote desktop users through EndNote Sync and Library Sharing. Synchronize references in EndNote libraries between desktop and laptop computers, the online library, and an iPhone or iPad using EndNote Sync. Uninstall your previous version of EndNote before installing a new version. Mac users: see how to use Pro apps with optimized storage Syncing folders corrupt EndNote libraries over time.ĭo not store EndNote libraries in iCloud or any other cloud-syncing folder, and do not store EndNote libraries in the Documents folder if you have selected the option to synchronize documents in iCloud. Storing and editing libraries on a network drive can lead to corruption and performance issues.ĮndNote libraries should never be stored in cloud-syncing folders such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, etc. Keep EndNote libraries on your computer's local hard drive. These two parts must be kept together both are needed for the library to work correctly. Rooms are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis at the circulation desk.EndNote libraries are made up of two parts: the. Group Study Rooms: Study rooms are available for the use of Loma Linda University students. Money can be added to your LLUH badge at the Circulation Desk or at. Photocopying and Printing: Photocopiers/printers are located on the third floor of the Del Webb Library near the computers. Copies and prints are $0.10 per page for black and white $0.25 per page for color. You will need to create an account with PubMed.

Document Deliverey Request Form: Allows user to order books, articles and other materials not owned by the Loma Linda University Libraries.There are a number of ways of submitting requests: The normal turnaround time for interlibrary loans is 5-10 work days. 48611 for login issues.ĭocument Delivery and Interlibrary Loan: The library makes every attempt to locate and borrow materials for study, research, or teaching. The same credentials are used to log into Canvas. User name & password: is the same as your LLU email account username and password. Wireless Network access: The library and patio area are enabled for wireless access.

A university login account is required for login. Webb Memorial Library for 28 days.Ĭomputer Use: Computers are available in the library for your use. Borrowing Books: Using your affiliated ID, you may borrow most books at the Del E.